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Alien - Tax Treaty Chart - Royalties

Tax Treaty Eligibility by Country for Income Codes 10, 11 & 12 

Country Country Code

Income Code 10

Industrial Royalties

Income Code 11

Motion Pictures & TV

Income Code 12

Other (includes Copyright)

Tax Treaty
Australia AS 0 5 5 12
Austria AU 0 10 0 12
Bangladesh BG 10 10 10 12
Barbados BB 5 5 5 12
Belgium BE 0 0 0 12
Bulgaria BU 0 5 5 12
Canada CA 0 10 0 XII
China CH 10 10 10 11
Commonwealth* See Below 0 0 0 III
Cyprus CY 0 0 0 14
Czech Republic EZ 10 0 0 12
Denmark DA 0 0 0 12
Egypt EG 0 0 15 13
Estonia EN 5 10 10 12
Finland FI 5 0 0 12
France FR 5 0 0 12
Germany GM 0 0 0 12
Greece GR 0 30 0 VII
Hungary HU 0 0 0 11
Iceland (begin 1/1/09)** IC 0 5 0 12
India IN 10 15 15 12
Indonesia ID 10 10 10 13
Ireland EI 0 0 0 12
Israel IS 15 10 10 14
Italy IT 10 8 5 12
Jamaica JM 10 10 10 12
Japan JA 0 0 0 12
Kazakhstan KZ 10 10 10 12
Korea, Rep. Of KS 15 10 10 14
Latvia LG 5 10 10 12
Lithuania LH 5 10 10 12
Luxembourg LU 0 0 0 13
Mexico MX 10 10 10 12
Morocco MO 10 10 10 12
Netherlands NL 0 0 0 13
New Zealand NZ 10 10 10 12
Norway NO 0 0 0 10
Pakistan PK 0 30 0 VIII
Philippines RP 15 15 15 13
Poland PL 10 10 10 13
Portugal PO 10 10 10 13
Romania RO 15 10 10 12
Russia RS 0 0 0 12
Slovak Republic LO 10 0 0 12
Slovenia SI 5 5 5 12
South Africa SF 0 0 0 12
Spain SP 8 8 5 12
Sri Lanka CE 0 10 10 12
Sweden SW 0 0 0 12
Switzerland SZ 0 0 0 12
Thailand TH 8 5 15 12
Trinidad/Tobago TD 15 30 0 14
Tunisia TS 10 15 15 12
Turkey TU 5 10 10 12
Ukraine UP 10 10 10 12
United Kingdom UK 0 0 0 12
Venezuela VE 5 10 10 12
Other Countries   30 30 30  

*Commonwealth includes: Armenia(AM), Azerbajian(AJ), Belarus(BO), Georgia(GG), Kyrgyzstan(KG), Moldavia(MD), Tajikistan(TI), Turkmenistan(TX), Ukraine(UP), and Uzbekistan(UZ)
**Iceland tax treaty rates and article were revised effective 1/1/09.  Previous Article (14), did not reduce rate for Inc code 11.